Friday, October 19, 2012

Visiting the guys with big ears.....

Yes, after returning from our wonderful cruise, Gary and I headed to Orlando for a fun-packed week at Disney World with some of our dearest friends. Amazing what fun we old guys can have at a place like that! It was fantastic!

Now, with barely time to get the laundry done again and switch from shorts and swimsuits to jackets and gloves, we are heading to Loveland, Colorado (it has already snowed there). That's where we will see our second set of ears.

Gary's brother Frank is starring in a local production of the show "Harvey" (yep, that's the one Jimmy Stewart did with the big rabbit). That is Frank on the right, without the ears. We can't wait.

So, with all of this travel fun this month, there are just no cards to share.

Here we are enjoying a visit to "Japan" in Epcot Center, and Disney Hollywood Studios in Orlando.

I do miss my crafting pals and blogging buddies - can't wait to catch up with you all when the dust settles and the home fires are burning.

Thanks for checking in!