Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick and Dirty!

Alas, our month of crazy traveling is behind us! We had a wonderful time, but we are ready to stay home and do some serious nesting.

After our cruise and trip to Orlando, we just returned from Loveland, Colorado. I experienced snow for the first time in decades - nice to look at, but I sure wouldn't want to live in it again. Tropical gal, here!

Since we just returned and Halloween is tomorrow (EEEEKK!), I got up early to knock out a few quick cards. I turned to one of my go-to companies, Graphic 45, for some great paper and put these two cards together. Simple. No stamping! While I am not a big fan of Halloween, I sure love the cute images associated with it.

I can't wait to have time to return to my crafting and checking in on all of your wonderful blogs. In a few days, when the laundry basket is empty, the fridge is full, the bills are paid and the dust settles, I plan to return to lots of crafty fun. I have missed you all and missed my inky fingers.

P.S.:  Stay safe in Sandy's path and "Yay, Giants"!