Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Buddy Barb

As some of you know, I am participating in the Summer Card Camp which is hosted by Jennifer McGuire and Kristina Werner. Super-amazing and talented gals. It is a great class. This is the Week One Color Challenge. Not my comfort level colors, even though I consider myself an island girl and these are very tropical.

I made this card using the colors and a new water color technique for my final entry in Hero Arts' monthly contest.
The nifty technique is to scribble water color crayon (they are so much fun!) onto an acrylic block, mist it with water and stamp it onto water color paper. I love the look. The stamps are Hero Arts(CG298 and CL490).

The twine, button and pearls are from my stash. That is a brad new EK Success border punch - love it!

And the adorable flower? Well, that is from my wonderful friend Barb! Isn't this world amazing how we can develop relationships with folks from everywhere? Barb has become such a special friend through the Hero Arts flickr group, our blogs and so many "places" and interests we share. She is the dearest lady - always a kind word for everyone, just full of joyful talent, most inspirational, lots of fun and tireless energy! I can't tell you how delighted I am to have found her - I so enjoy her! I feel so close to her, yet we have never met. Ain't life grand?!

Anyway, Barb recently did a neat thing on her blog where she made a beautiful series cards that was inspired by the work of another talented gal. They had a contest where names were drawn from all the comments they received. Barb drew my name and I won her lovely prize!  Random?

Can you believe this fantastic orange gift that arrived in my mail? Not only was it chuck full of flowers in the most wonderful colors and lots of ribbon to simply die for - she made me a super-adorable card! Just for me! A Barb original! Don't you just love that glittery center and that gorgeous lace! Such a special gift! Thanks so much, Barb - you continue to amaze me.