Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I Hear Music!

I know that this card isn’t going to win any design awards. It is the story that is so special. I have a dear friend, Hossie, who was actually a close friend of my Mom’s – they were in nursing school together when my Mom was only 19 years old. One summer when I was about 7 years old Hossie came to California for a visit. She thought it was great fun to chase after the ice cream man, who usually came down our street right before dinner.  My Mom wasn’t so happy about that.
After that, every time Hossie wrote a letter to my Mom or sent me a Valentine or something, she would always enclose a dime for the ice cream man. I know – 10 cents! I must be really old, eh?
So, this has been a running joke (ha - get it?) between us for over 50 years! She is still very dear to me. Gary and I went to visit her in Pennsylvania a few years ago and we had great fun. Hossie shared memories and stories of my Mom from when they were both such young and happy nursing students – things that I have never before heard.
I have had this sentiment stamp for years (another garage sale find!), thinking that someday I would use it to make a funny card for my friend. Last week I was reading the extraordinary Lisa’s blog, where she encourages us to “Make it +Mail It” and I had thought that this would be a great time to just do it.  That evening I went to my local scrapbooking store and I saw this adorable ice cream truck stamp (2-7052E). Just perfect for my card, and 50% off! As my Mom would say, “It was meant to be!”
So, today is the day that I finally put it all together for my Mom’s sweet friend. I know she will get such a kick out of it. Thanks, Lisa, for the inspiration.
Love you, Hossie!