Sunday, June 28, 2020

What's Funnier than Undies?!

Hi, Bloggin' Buddies!

As you know, Art Impressions has been making me laugh for a long time. But, of all the dozens that I've owned, I've probably gotten the most use out of this set from 2010 ( "Lingerie Shoppe - UM3539"; no longer available, but if you hunt you can find it) because it is so poignantly hilarious. And the images are so cute and easy to color and/or paper piece. Love it.

Now, just try to tell me you aren't smiling.........

It was fun to use lots of layers of girlie goodness and embellishments.

You can ALWAYS find lots of sets at Ai that keep your heart happy.

This, of course, is headed for the current challenge "Make Me Laugh" over at the Art Impression blog.

Thanks for the visit and sharing a chuckle,