Monday, December 17, 2018

Anything but Tags!

Hi, Bloggin' Buddies!
Well, tag-mania is finally over! Can't believe how many I produced. It was a good challenge, but a real time-stealer during a busy month.

Today I am sharing some gift card holders I made with Lawn Fawn Woodland Critters, Winter Add-Ons and the Stitched Gift Card Pocket. I love these dies, but using them is pretty time consuming with all the cutting and gluing the numerous pieces. To tell the truth, I elected to do penguins because I didn't have to worry about ears or tails! Plus, they are too dang cute!!

I pretty much followed the advice on the video done by one of my crafty mentors, Nichol Spohr. I did make some adjustments and changes, but my guys are very much related to hers!

I had to laugh because I avoid glitter at all costs and Nichol used 2 different types on her critters. I thought about it for awhile and remembered an old product in my stash that I hadn't used in many years (but thank goodness I saved!), Flower Soft. It is perfect for the fury trim on the mittens and earmuffs! My other short cut is using a hold punch for the eyes, rather die cutting them - it goes much faster!

These guys will deliver my gift cards in great style. Thanks to Lawn Fawn and to Nichol and to you for the visit!