Friday, December 14, 2018

A Third Run at Black and White????

Hi, Bloggin' Buddies:

Okay, I was up at 2:15 AM thinking about these black and white tags from Ellen Hutson's "12 Days of Christmas Tags with a Feminine Twist". What did I do but get up and make yet another one.....this has really gotten under my skin. Thanks to Ellen and Lisa Spangler (isn't she the best?!) for this amazing "out of my comfort zone" inspiration.

This tag uses the "Holiday Words" die and the "Prize Stag" die designed for Essentials by Ellen by the terrific Julie Ebersole. These are some of my all-time favorites for making tags.

Hoping that I soon return to color or I will never get to Day 12 of this blog hop.......thanks ladies and thanks to you for the visit.