Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Stepping Away

from the holiday cards for a few days......

Hi, Bloggin' Buddies!

I must admit that I am getting overwhelmed with all the Christmas cards on the blogs (I can't buy any new holiday supplies because I don't get out my crafty stuff until my Thanksgiving cards are complete and I have NO memory of what I already own). So, today I am posting a non-holiday card just for some relief.

We were in Oregon on a hiking trip early this summer and I came upon a sweet independent stamp store  called Young At Heart in the historic town of Astoria. With so many stamp stores closing, I was excited to check it out.

What a delight! I thought I knew every stamp company that existed, but the shop carried a line that was new to me and the stamps gave me such a chuckle! The company is Two-Lips Stamps and they have products available on their website if you can't get to Astoria.

I can't tell you the number of times I have said that when I die my dear husband will not only know just how many stamps and dies I have (ugh!), but he will have no idea what to do with them! Ha!

I stenciled a background using a Hero Arts stencil and Distress Oxide Inks and, even though I am not really a "butterfly person", I added some using a very old Hero Arts set.

I hope you are having a grand week and thanks so much for the visit!