Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Hi, Bloggin' Buddies!

Today I have a bit of a crazy card to share. We have a friend from our hiking group who is a big
Scooby-Doo fan - so much so that he even has a Scooby-Doo lunchbox that he brings on hikes! Yikes!

Years ago I had a great stamp set from Hanna-Barbera that I had picked up at a used stamp sale but I knew I had sold it (I figured that I'd never know anyone again who loved the guy - what a fool I was!). I was so upset because I really wanted to make one more card with it for our hiker friend.

Well, a few weeks ago I was going through a box which contained some very old cards that I had made (I can't believe that I saved them) and I found one which had these images stamped, die cut and colored!

I carefully cut them off and did my best to "remake" the card to better reflect what I do now, but I was stuck with the (dated) elements. I added some Wink of Stella, a fun wobbler, some google eyes and a wonky stitched frame die cut from Lil' Inker. Not my best work, but I'm happy to have been able to do it.

Talk about a walk in the past.......

Thanks, as always, for the visit,