Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Hello, Bloggin' Buddies:

I had a special event last week - I met up with a high school classmate I hadn't seen in 45 years (does that ever date me?)! We had become Face Book "friends" and arranged a meeting. Such fun to see who we are today, rather than who we WERE. I like us both NOW so much better!

I made her a set of four cards that I thought she would like based on what I'd learned of her on Face Book. This is one of the cards. I have always loved these stamps by Emerson Quillin at American Art Stamps - I've had about 4 of them for years and will never let them go.

I colored the great gal with Copics, added lots of patterned papers, die cut a doily and punched out some flowers.

This card was such fun that I made a similar one for a special friend going through a rough time who needed a big hug.

Hope you are having a glorious week. Thanks for the visit!