Wednesday, August 20, 2014

It's a Love/Hate Relationship

I made this card (using an Art Impressions stamp) for my personal trainer, who is such a patient guy. And, he gets me!

Exercise is funny.

I really do hate it - I have always been pretty sedentary, starting from the fact that my first home was upstairs above my Dad's mortuary. No running around the yard or riding a bike in the driveway! I had to sit quietly and read or do crafts so as not to disturb the families downstairs.

I really do love it - I love how it makes me feel and how healthy it has gotten me. I will probably always be fat, but at my age it is all about developing and maintaining mobility and strength. And, boy, am I ever mobile (even with a fused ankle and lots of OA) and strong.

Anyway, I still have to talk myself into exercising. I use little tricks, like no card-making unless I workout, parking the car in the far regions of parking lots, etc. I works - sometimes!

I am blessed to live where I do. There is every kind of exercise option one can imagine. My current routine includes Zumba (my favorite!), Low Impact Aerobics, Water Aerobics, Lap Swimming, and Cardio and Weight Machines. And, of course, you all know how we love to play Bocce and ride our bikes!

So, I encourage you to get out and move - then make some cards! Thanks for the visit.