Thursday, February 20, 2014

Feeling Boxed In!

Hello, dear blog pals! I thought I'd drop in with a quick update now that we have an internet connection.

Our move is complete (sort of). We bought a wonderful new home in a lovely and vibrant community, readied and sold our old house and we are now settling in. So much to learn in a new area (we are no longer in the San Francisco Bay area - we moved north about 150 miles near Sacramento, the state capitol) and so much to organize, even though the new house is about twice the size of the old. Aren't we supposed to downsize as we age?!

This is the room that will be our office/studio. Yes, those are some of my craft supplies in the boxes. We have a temporary set up with folding tables because we will design and install a system of built-ins for our work space. The carpeting will go, for sure! We made a great setup in our old home and we will do it again.

There will be no crafting for a couple more months! But at least now I can check in with you and continue to be inspired.

I hope you are all happy and healthy and ready for some Spring! Thanks for the visit.