Friday, May 10, 2013

So Swell!

 My dear brother-in-law and his wife are amazing sailors, so the current Trend Watch Challenge at Paper Smooches SPARKS, with a nautical theme, is just perfect.  I loved creating this fun ocean scene (if you want to see some seriously amazing card scenes, check out my pal Robin's website).

Paper Smooches stamps used include: Surf
and Turf; He Said, She Said; Vegtastic; Spiffy Scooters and the Sailboat Wise Die. The yummy patterned paper is from My Mind's Eye, Indie Chic - Nutmeg and the water is torm vellum colored with Copics.

Thanks for the visit - have a great weekend. No sailing for me - I get sea-sick!

Happy Mother's Day to all who qualify (I do not).

A little homage to my wonderful Mom, who I miss every single day. She was my best pal, an amazing Mother, a spectacular RN - so full of talent, fun, & unconditional love. Oh, yeah - she sure had great legs!