Wednesday, March 13, 2013

You've got Birthdays!

Hello and happy Spring! It is happening, isn't it? The weather is so nice here that I've been out enjoying it and not in my craft studio.

I will get to your lovely blogs later today - promise! I don't want to miss any new inspiration.

One last birthday card for my class by Lisa Spangler, "You've Got Mail". This week will we will be focusing on everyday cards.

This is outside of my comfort zone......dripping color on the card - not something I've ever done. I like more control!!! But this is fun.

I love the font on the "happy" (Studio Calico/Hero Arts), which I highlighted with a silver colored pencil.

Thanks to my blogger buddy, Lisa, I am also going to link this up for the Fun Friday Birthday Challenge.  Thanks, Lisa!

Have a great day and get outside, if you can! Thanks for the visit.