Monday, December 10, 2012

Ellen's 12 Tags

Hope you all had one grand weekend - we sure did! I have been lurking around Ellen Hutson's Classrom. She has been doing her Twelve Tags of Christmas with a Feminine Twist and what a lovely gift that is. It is as good as any online class that I have paid for! Great talent and wonderful instructions. Thanks, Ellen!

Anyway, I was inspired by everyone, but most of all (so far) by the wonderful and whimsical tag by Claudine Hellmuth. There is so much about this refreshing and fun tag that I love and I incorporated some of it in my series of tags.

I love the painted background with the tiny dimensional dots, the addition of lace (mine is some vintage from my extensive stash), and the cute graphic. I dug into my collection of vintage photos and embellished the folks with wings and hats from Artchix Studio (there are lots of goodies there). The sentiments are from Paper Smooches Christmas Sampler.

As you can see, I really had fun with these. I'm not sure that I can give them up - they've become part of the family! Get on over to Ellen's Classroom and check it all out - you will love it, I promise!

Thanks for the visit and have a delux week!