Thursday, December 20, 2012

Button, button!

Well, as happy as I would have been to do my civic duty, I lucked out and ended up not being required to serve on a jury. Yay! Now I have a few more hours to sit under our adorable Christmas tree with Gary. We are planning a quiet Christmas.

One day I mentioned the button trees that I have had fun making with some of my vintage buttons (I have far too many). And you asked, so here is a peek.

The white one is my favorite because the vintage buttons have such a creamy look. I've left the remains of threads that are still in some of the old buttons.

I hope to make a few more. I've been buying more tree forms with my Michael's coupons. I recently saw a great one made with old jewelery pieces at an upscale gift shop ($225) which I may CASE.

I hope to make one more post before Christmas, but I sure do appreciate your visits! To all of you dealing with nasty weather - stay safe and hopefully you can still gather your flock for your celebrations.