Monday, July 30, 2012

CASing and Cruising

Some of you may not know about CASE - it means Copy and Steal Everything and it is what we card-makers say when we are inspired by someone else's design. There is a fine line between CASE and total copy.

When I saw this adorable cruise ship card by Teri Anderson in the current issue of Paper Craft magazine, I knew that I would have to try making one for my friend who is heading out on a cruise. Paper Crafts even provided the templates!

I added my own twist to the design based on what I had (I used a die for the portholes, so they are larger) and what I was willing to do (I couldn't cut out that tiny anchor, so I made mine larger).I added some waves, too.

I wouldn't normally post this because it is not an original design, but I want to show you all that is available in Paper Crafts. And, even though there are already over 800 entries, I am submitting this (with crossed fingers!) to the current Simon Says Stamp "Anything Goes" Challenge.

Is this cute or what? I added a "Bon Voyage" sentiment inside.

Thanks for cruising on by!