Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monkeying Around

Hero Arts CL155, CL261, MS Punch
Good morning!

We are just back from our whirlwind road trip - very fun and successful. I see more miles in our future now that hubby is retired.

I like to take a little something when we visit family, so here is a little gift bag I put together with a cute monkey tag just for some fun.I plan to enter this in the current challenge for "Special Male" cards at Simon Says Stamp blog.

Thanks for your comments on my last post!  I have a winner of the Vacation Give-Away Necklace. It is dear Robin, who is a super-duper deluxe card-maker. Check out her great blog here. Robin, get me your address and the necklace will be on the way.

Have a great weekend! It is a holiday weekend here in the USA, with Memorial Day on Monday as we honor our freedom fighters.