Saturday, March 3, 2012

Old News!

I don't usually post on weekends, but one of my super-fun blogging buddies, Jen (check out here blog here) introduced me to the Flashback Friday Challenge. What a total kick!

How does it work? You are asked to share your "first" card that you ever posted that represents the current challenge.  You need to dig way back and find the project that matches the challenge and repost the picture in your new blog entry.

What if just seeing the project again makes you cringe? That's part of the fun - to see how we're all growing as cardmakers and crafters! And, there are prizes! This time there is a gift certificate from "Paper and Such". This Fun, or what?

Jen is the guest designer and she has challenged us to post our first paper-pieced card. So, I found the very first ever card that I posted and I had paper-pieced it. This was in July of 2010, before I even had a blog and was just posting on flickr!

For this card I used Hero Arts CL346 and CL33 plus a sampling from my collection of vintage cookbooks. At the time I thought this card was pretty deluxe! I remember spending most of an afternoon on it. Actually, I may just revisit & update this theme - it is kind of cute!

Thanks for sharing my walk down nostalgia's path and thanks to Jen for sharing this fun site! 

To those in Mother Nature's pathway during this nasty tornado season - you are in our thoughts and prayers.