Thursday, March 8, 2012

Apricot Trigger

Time for another Tuesday Trigger from Cath over at Moxie Fab World. Check out this delicious trigger:

I have such wonderful memories of summer weekends picking apricots with my parents - biting into a warm one and letting it drip down my chin! Somehow they just don't taste the same anymore. Ah, the golden memories of my youth.......

Here is the CAS (clean and simple) card - inspired by the CAS beauties made by one of my dear blogger buddies, Cheiron -  I made based on this wonderful trigger.
This is going to my Aunt in New York who is celebrating her 92nd birthday. Thanks for looking and have a great weekend. We are headed to southern California to visit my Dad. Lots of car time, but we make it fun. See you next week!