Monday, January 9, 2012

Winner, Winner; Chicken Dinner!

With some simple celebratory cupcakes (We R Memory Keepers) for dessert!

First, thanks to all of you who took the time to come by and visit and leave a comment! I am just tickled to see you all. Thanks to all my "old" pals and a joyous welcome to some new ones. I will be checking in on each of your blogs/flickr streams to get to know you even better. This has been such great fun!

Without further hesitation, let's see who will be going to France - in their cardmaking, anyway!

I had 21 lovely comments and the random number generator selected #16! 
That would be the fantastic Helen! I am just delighted to share the French-inspired stamp set with you. Congratulations! We look forward to the masterpieces "merveilleux" you'll create. Enjoy!

I hope you all had a great weekend. We went over to the coast, where it was breezy but sunny and clear. I feel guilty enjoying this rare January sunshine when we so desperately need rain, but I have learned to enjoy whatever I am given. Anyway, it is high season for Dungeness crabs here and are they ever yummy! I took this picture of a crab boat filled with the delightful crustaceans with my new camera and I hadn't yet learned how to use the zoom so it is difficult to see the precious cargo. But you can sure see the glorious sunshine!

Thanks again so very much to everyone for your continued friendship and support - Happy New Year!