Friday, December 16, 2011

She's Baaaaaack, Again!

Sorry that I haven't been "plugged in" for several days - that darn bacteria hit me hard again and I was down for the count. But I'm back in training again and will soon be up to speed. I really missed commenting on your blogs and flickr photos and I even missed the unveiling of the super Moxie Fabber of the Week, my dear and ultra-talented bloggin' buddy, Barb. If you haven't already checked it out, please do so and leave her some lovin'. Yay, Barb - you go girlfriend!!!

A couple of weeks ago I took a Marathon Cardmaking Class at a scrapbook store not too far from my home. We made 14 cards in one day (10:00 am - 5:00 pm). Now, that's a real marathon. I have promised that I would share some of the cards with you. I don't have alot of info on the materials. They promised to email that to us, but it has not yet arrived. You will note that I did not watermark these pictures because these cards are not my design. The first two are made with Hero Arts, taught by my friend Julie Kelly.

This card is really cute. The front is a sleeve which lifts up and the inside of the card has a pocket for a package of cocoa.

I think that my favorite is this last one. It uses Memory Box dies and lots of glitter. Love! Enjoy your holiday weekend!