Monday, August 8, 2011

Howdy, Partner!

I have been so focused on making cards the last year or so that I have neglected one of my other passions, jewelry making! Well, today is the day! And there is a story.

On Sunday we are going to an event in the Napa Wine Country. We won tickets last fall at a charity fund-raiser for dinner at a local winery, the Tudal Family Winery. The theme is "Tudal, Tractors and Texas". One of their popular wines is called "Tractor Shed Red" - cute, eh? The food will be Tex-Mex barbeque and the music will be country. Not our normal style, but what the heck, it is for a good cause and should be fun!

I was at the fabric store the other day and happened to see some perfect metallic "Lone Star" buttons on clearance. Perfect opportunity! So, I got out my long-neglected tools and went to town - or, country! The picture isn't great, but you get the "hang of it"!

I almost forgot! Check out the amazing bag I will be carrying. Another one of my fantastic garage sale finds!

Thanks for hankerin' by.....I will fill you in (hopefully with some pix) next week. Enjoy!