Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Ribbit-ing Birthday - in under the wire!

I've had so much on my mind lately and this sketch from Cath over at Moxie Fab World is one of them. She has been providing some neat sketches to spur our imaginations. This one stuck for me! I had never done a circle card and now is the time!

That, coupled with the great video and Simon Says Stamp challenge for embossed resist over at Lilly Pad cards, and the Critter contest on the Hero Arts blog (for which today is the last day!), my little brain has been busy.

One of my dear cousins loves frogs. And, who wouldn't? So, every year for her birthday I break out the cute Hero Arts Flower Frog stamp, F5294.

This year I stamped it 3 times so I could layer the torso and the head, colored her with Copic pens and added some Glaze Pen and Stickles. And, of course, Googly Eyes! No matter how I try, I just can't seem to get Copic-colored images to photograph true. It isn't fair - I work so hard at blending, it looks great and it photographs so blotchy. Darn!

I cut the scalloped circle with Nestibilities. Then I tried something a little different. I cut a circle with my circle cutter and cut it into fourths. On two of the pieces I clear embossed with Hero Arts CG330, Flower Dots (my new fav - so '60's looking!) and the other two pieces I did with Hero Arts CG149, Circle Pattern. I inked the pieces up and applied them - can you even see them?

Anyway, I added Ms Flower Froggy, some sweet leaves and a sentiment (Hero Arts CL137) banner (as per Jennifer McGuire's great instructions). What a combination! She is seriously lots brighter and more cheery in person.

Happy birthday, cousin Joyce!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Thanks, Shelia!

My new blogging buddy Sheila (here is her great blog, "Color Me Happy") sent me an adorable blingy card and some delightful stamped images. I was going to hold off coloring them, but they kept calling my I gave in and colored up this one (sorry, I don't know the source). As I told Sheila, I am very much NOT a fall person - I wish summer lasted all year long (good thing I live in California, eh?), but I love the fall images she shared with me.

Did I have fun with this! After coloring it with my Copic pens, I used some Yasutomo Niji Pearlescent Watercolors that I have had forever and never used (I admit, I tend to hoard supplies!). I used it for some subtle shimmery highlights. I also wanted to add some dimension to the image, but since I didn't own the stamp I couldn't stamp a second butterfly for a raised layer. I got the idea of cutting around the butterfly with my Exacto knife and raising/folding the wings upward a bit. I like the look and it will be much cheaper to mail without the additional layer.

The little label is a Memory Box die stamped with Hero Arts Classic Messages, CL414 and attached with some twine.  Thanks a bunch, Sheila! I am so delighted with this card.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Bonjour, mon amie Mary!

Now that my HUGE moment of fame has passed (right!), and my toes have uncurled a bit from the big Moxie Fab World news this morning, I want to share a card with you which I made for my dear friend Mary's 60th birthday. Keep in mind that she loves Paris and that she has a French Bulldog. She is also really smart, incredibly funny and cute as can be. You'd love her!

I found a greeting card at the car wash (yes, I still look at ready-made cards!) with this amazing dog. I cut her out, embellished the heck out of her and featured her on this Eiffel Tower card. You may remember another card that I recently made in this style - I even posted a link to a YouTube how-to video. These cards are neat because they fold flat for mailing, are fun to open, and stand up so perfectly on their own. It stay in place with a little piece of Velcro.

So, the doggie got a crown (made from Shrinky Dinks - how fun are they?!) and lots of glitter and rhinestones. I stamped the Eiffel Tower, the French postmark and the sentiment. I added lots of embellishments from my extensive stash.

One of the sides has a little sentiment (computer generated) about turning 60. I knew that those six years of French class would come in handy some day! The paper is Graphic 45's "Curtain Call" - love it. Very French, eh?

I left the third side of the card for my note, so I didn't photograph it.

Okay, now I need to stop speaking in a very overdone French accent (it is such fun!) and get some work done. Eh, mon petite cheri?

Thanks for all support on my Moxie Fab recognition-what a day!  You all are the very best! Au revoir!

My Big News - Moxie Fabber of the Week!

Well, today is a big day here in the old craft room! Cath Edvalson at Moxie Fab World has selected me for a HUGE honor - Moxie Fabber of the Week! I still can't believe it. Please check it out and leave some love, as Cath says. Thanks so much - I am soooo tickled, my toes haven't touched the ground!

As if I can even settle down to type another, no card today. Thanks so much for checking in - go have a wonderful day!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Critter Cards

Good morning! Here is a sweet little mini note card set (I made six, two of each design) that I made the other day. I was inspired by a set by Britta Swiderski who has a great blog that I frequent. She is great - so full of great technique & product information and inspiration! I went right out and got some small envelopes and got busy. The real neat thing is that I got four cards out of just one piece of cardstock! For this set I used Hero Arts CL155, Playful Animals and CL323, Sparkle Clear Froggy. Some Glossy accents and googly eyes, of course. As you can see, I even stamped the little envelopes. Fun!

I love them all, but I must say that the smiling croc is my favorite, even though the naughty guy took a bite right out of the corner of the card! Shame on him (I actually used my scalloped oval punch)!

Thanks for stopping by here. Have a funtastic weekend! I am going to have a HUGE surprise announcement here on Monday, so I hope you check in.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Back from Vacation With a Monstorous Grin!

Hi, all! We have returned from our little summer journey and all was great! I love the ocean and California's beautiful central coast has a special place in my heart (it is where I went to college). I did miss my blogging, but I believe that it is good to "step away" once in awhile.

Here is a quick and happy little card I made using Hero Arts "Monster Fun" clear set CL391. This guy is so versatile! I just added some color, some scraps of paper, a bit of Stickles and the ever-so-popular googly eye. Simple! I don't like to spend too much time on cards for little fingers, because they usually don't last for long - they are not sandbox-proof!

What kid wouldn't love it? I have just the little monster in always, thanks for looking!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Let's Go!

Just a quick post today with a pretty simple card made with Hero Arts "Joy Ride" stamp set.  I used patterned paper and die cuts for this little cutie.

And, yes - I am going for a ride! A fun road trip to California's beautiful Central Coast. I have been waiting for this for months! Can't wait. So much beauty and fun things to do.

I will be back here at the end of the month and I'll miss ya! Thanks for stopping by here.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Monstrous Event!

Hello, everyone! I was out of town for a super long weekend - lots of fun, sun, friends and relaxation! I don't often make kids cards, but this month's contest at the Hero Arts blog gave me a chance to play with a cool stamp set, Monster Fun by Hero Arts. I also got to use my new Sizzix dies by Karen Burniston, the Scalloped Circle Pop-Up Die and the Sizzlets Celebrate set of dies. Karen's blog is here. She is amazing!

The front of this card is wild enough with the bright colors, the sparkle on the cupcake, googly eys and the little monsters..... I clear embossed the star background and inked it with distress inks. But the inside is full of surprise! Crazy hats, crazy eyes, silly balloons, and lots of stars! Tell me you are not grinning!

I have provided a side view so that you can get a better idea of the pop-up feature. Lots of silly fun. The following Hero Arts stamps were used in this card: CG299, CL514, CL391 and CL158. I can't wait to use these creative dies for other cards.

Thanks for looking! Take good care!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

And We Have a WINNER!

Party time!!!

First, thanks to everyone for playing along and allowing me to get to know you better. What a great group of talented ladies! I am so blessed to have so many sweet new crafty friends out there! It is particularly fun that any time, day or night, we can connect and get inspiration, advice, and support right here in the blog world.

Without and additional hesitation, and with help from the Random Number Generator....Seventeen of you signed up to follow my blog and the winner is number 15. This is Sheila!

This is really funny because Sheila joined my blog - she was determined - before I even added the "follow" feature. Check out her beautiful blog, Color Me Happy! And here is her photostream. What a fun and coloroful spirit.

Sheila, flickr me your address and I will get your candy out to you pronto. Thanks again, everyone! Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Missing Girl!

I didn't mean to startle you. I stamped this little girl image over a year ago with a friend's stamp. I didn't write down the stamp name or number, but I am pretty sure that it was a Hero Arts stamp. I tried to find her on the Hero Arts products website, but had no luck.
She sure resembles this stamp, called "Girl Holding Flowers".....they must be sisters. Don't tell me that they aren't related. Seriously.

Anyway, I colored up the image and made  this card for my second cousin. It was a real lesson in using Copics pens, but I sure couldn't photograph it to show you how masterfully I used them. Ah, well. I was going to enter it in the Hero Arts monthly challenge for kid's cards, but since I don't know the stamp I don't think that I should.

UPDATE: My dear card-making friend from the Hero Arts blog, Heather, helped me out with the reference for this stamp.  What a doll she is! Check out her photostream - what a glorious inspiration. Thanks, Heather!

By the way, today is the last day to enter to win my Blog Anniversary Blog Candy! What fun this has been, getting to know so many new craftin' pals!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Howdy, Partner!

I have been so focused on making cards the last year or so that I have neglected one of my other passions, jewelry making! Well, today is the day! And there is a story.

On Sunday we are going to an event in the Napa Wine Country. We won tickets last fall at a charity fund-raiser for dinner at a local winery, the Tudal Family Winery. The theme is "Tudal, Tractors and Texas". One of their popular wines is called "Tractor Shed Red" - cute, eh? The food will be Tex-Mex barbeque and the music will be country. Not our normal style, but what the heck, it is for a good cause and should be fun!

I was at the fabric store the other day and happened to see some perfect metallic "Lone Star" buttons on clearance. Perfect opportunity! So, I got out my long-neglected tools and went to town - or, country! The picture isn't great, but you get the "hang of it"!

I almost forgot! Check out the amazing bag I will be carrying. Another one of my fantastic garage sale finds!

Thanks for hankerin' by.....I will fill you in (hopefully with some pix) next week. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Old Movies

One of my dear friends and craftin' sista, Antoinette, loves old movies. So, when I saw the Graphic 45 paper pad called "Curtain Call" I had to think of her. I bought the 8" x 8" pad and just love it.

You may remember the "tee pee" card that I learned in a class a couple of weeks ago.I used that technique to make this card for my pal.

 And, this is how I decorated the other two sides. I love how this folds flat to fit into a standard envelope. And, can you believe it? No stamping on this baby.

Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Sailor's Delight!

Today I thought that I would change things up a bit and share with you something that I put together that isn't a card. We are preparing for an upcoming  mermaid-themed event here, so I wanted to make something out of this beautiful greeting card that my Aunt sent to me. Love it!

I bought a metal hanging sign on clearance at Michael's and spray painted it gold. Then I got busy with my Mood Podge and glue gun! Lots of my oceanic treasures went into this collection.  That sea horse is particularly cool - it is a handmade broach that I found at a garage sale for $1.00!

I have this hanging on a cabinet knob in our entryway. She will greet all the visitors! Can't you just smell the sea air? Jump in!

Have a great weekend and thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fanatical About Botanical

Cath at Moxie Fab World has done it again! She has motivated me to step outside of my comfort zone. She has a challenge going on called Fanatical About Botanical. Not my normal style, but what the heck......? Check it out and give it a try - you have until August 8th to participate.

This card is made with kraft cardstock with a matching envelope. I distressed a medium-sized tag with Distress Inks and stamped it with a moth from a Tim Holtz stamp set called Papillion (CMS105). My crafty internet pal Lisa Spangler got me going on tags with her "Make it + Mail It" series and I love them!

The background stamp I used is also from the same set. I adhered the tag to the card, added the vintage lace and birdie and some round embellishments from my stash.

Who said that botanical had to mean flowers? I don't mean to "bug" ya, but I think this qualifies.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ooh La La!

I think that I told you that I took a card-making class a couple of weeks ago. Such fun! Our dear teacher, Bibianna, taught us how to make what is called a "pyramid" or "tee-pee" card. We used the technique to make this French-inspired Eiffel Tower card.

Isn't she the cutest? The stamps are Penny Black "Mimi in Paris" #30-071 and "Music Background" #2025M. The butterfly and grass edge punch are by Martha Stewart and the daisy chain from is ek success.

The cool part about this card is that it is held together with a little piece of Velcro and it folds flat for mailing.

The best instructional video I could find on this technique is here. That gal does a better job with the instructions than I could ever do  - and besides, I don't have a video camera!

Hope you are having a great week. Merci for stopping by!