Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's Washi Day!

I simply can't help it - when I say "washi" I automatically think of "wash day". My grandma had each day of the week (except Sunday, of course!) dedicated to one household task. I believe that Wednesday was washing, Thursday was definitely baking day and Friday was housecleaning, to get the place ready for the weekend. What a life! I'm sure that she didn't have a crafting day, unless you call mending and ironing "crafting". She did not have it easy. Bless her heart.

Back to the card! This card gets its special look with come colorful washi paper. Beautiful stuff. I used a peel-off from Elizabeth Crafts and added some solid color with glittery gel pens. Can you believe that gold paper?

This makes an elegant and easy card that is easy to mail. Thanks for looking and have a great day. And get that laundry done!