Sunday, June 19, 2011

Make It + Mail It Monday

Well, just pretend it is Monday. I need to head out early tomorrow, so I am doing Monday's post tonight. Yep, you guessed it - it is another Make It + Mail It inspired by the incredible Lisa Spangler. She rocks my boat and gets me thinking! Thanks, Lisa! I decided to make a quick set of 6 textured cards in my very favorite colors and that would be easy to mail.
I got out my trusty embossing folders, some white core paper in yummy colors, a sanding block and went to town! The stamps are all Hero Arts and the cute labels are made from a great die set I just got by Memory Box - love them! I adore hearts, so I used them on four of the cards and my trip to the Farmer's Market on Saturday inspired by the colorful veggies. 

So, here they are. Here is a closer look of the middle one which is going out to my cousin in NY who is on Weight Watchers (as am I). I wanted to give her a little encouragement. I love that carrot's expression and that entire stamp set.
All of the images were water-colored (for the Hero Arts monthly challenge), cut out and highlighted with glitter pens and Stickles. Some twine and a snip of ribbon and we are good to go - in the mail! Actually four of the six have been mailed - what a great feeling! Yay - Thanks, Lisa!

Have a great week. The warm weather is sure here, but it feels good. We had fresh local wild salmon on the grill tonight, I bought some local peaches at the Farmer's Market  and Gary hung some beautiful flower baskets on the patio today. Can't get much better!