Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thank you, Lisa!

Okay, I know....a second post today? But I wanted to share something really special with you. I entered Lisa Spangler's first ever "Make It + Mail It" challenge called "Tag, You're It". And guess what? She drew my name and I received a Lisa original! Sooo excited!!! I love her work. You can see how she made this amazing card right here on her fantastic blog, sideoats & scribbles,  which is just full of great ideas, instructions and lovely photos. What a glorious inspiration she is!

So, now you get a little peek into my studio because I wanted to show you where I am showcasing the cute card. Right there where I can see it all the time. Isn't she the best?

Check out Lisa's blog, where I bet there will be more "Make It & Mail It" challenges for you to play along. Have a great weekend and another big shout out of thanks to Lisa!