Monday, May 23, 2011

Sharing Some Love

First, we are sending prayers to all of those in the tornado's path. What sad devastation!

Today I thought that I would share with you a couple of very special cards that I recently received. I just love to get beautiful handmade cards. They go on display in a special place in my house and I keep them forever!

This card was made for me by by dear crafting friend, Antoinette. She loves the images of the 1920's and often uses them in her cards. Isn't this glorious? Can't you just hear what is being discussed at this fancy soiree? All of the details here are so classy and glamorous.  Thanks, sweet friend.
This vintage beauty was made for me by my Aunt Barbara! Her style is so fluid and fun. She has used lots of cool vintage pieces for this beauty. This is the Aunt about whom I have already shared - she taught me to sew. We craft together whenever we can, sharing supplies, fun and so much love.

I am so lucky to have both of these dear ladies in my life and to share such a fun and love-sharing craft with. Love you both!

My card today is a little gift card that I made with a Stampendous cling stamp set. I recently posted another card that I made using this set and my blogger friend Barb told me that she calls these pinwheels! Ever since I was a little girl I called them whirly-gigs! Now, which is more fun to say? Ha! Whatever you call them, they are fun and bring back so many happy childhood memories. Thanks, Barb!

Hope you had a good weekend. We sure did, but I can't help but feel a bit guilty as I see the sad images of the massive devastation to the east. My husband and I never take a single day for granted - we are ever grateful for each and every moment we have together. Take care and thanks for looking!