Monday, April 18, 2011

Such a Glorious Weekend!

I had a feeling it was going to be good, but our weekend was wonderful. It started with a fantastic concert by my very favorite, Arlo Guthrie, at the historic (built in 1879) Napa Opera House. It is a very intimate venue and we had great seats. What a performance! When he sang "This land is your land", which was written by his father Woody, the place rocked!

The Napa Valley was so beautiful! As the morning fog lifted from the lush green hills, I was doing my water aerobics in the 92-degree mineral water pool. Unbelievable! The grape vines are just starting to send out leaves and the weather was perfect. We went on a bike ride (I delivered my Easter cards to our neighbors) and had the best fun. Gary got his garden in - tomatoes, crookneck squash, lemon cucumbers and basil. Can't wait for harvest!

Today's card is another Easter gem made with Stampin' Up supplies, all color-coordinated. I love this little Easter girl. I am sorry that I don't know the name of this set because I made this with my friend Antoinette and I didn't note it.

Hope you all have a wonderful week as we all prepare for a blessed Easter. As always, thanks for checking in here!