Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog happy!

Hi, all! I recently had the honor of being recognized by my new blogger and Hero Arts buddy, Heather. She is a lovely lady - so full of cheer and lots of crafty talent. It has been such a joy getting "to know her" through blogging and Hero Arts. She is a hostess over at the Hero Arts flickr group, where she does the most amazing job!

Dear Heather graced me with this blog award. Now, part of the deal is that I pass it on to five others and then share with you five things about myself.

My nominations are:

Britta Swiderski - She has made some of the most informative videos; in fact, she recently completed her 25th. I am shocked at her ability to balance so much in her life and that she can produce such amazing paper crafts and videos.

Ashley Newell - Another gal who makes amazing instructional videos. Check her site on Wednesdays - that is when new ones are usually posted. Most inspirational!

Mishelle Wooderson - Mish is a wonderful gal with lots of great crafty ideas. I love to check in at her blog for some country/vintage style tips. She is so generous with her great ideas and she has a fun Etsy shop where I have found lots of crafting goodies.

Julia Stainton - Julia has a glorious blog, full of great inspiration. She often uses Hero Arts stamps and wins all kinds of challenges and is often published. This gal has style!

Jana Millen - Talk about a glimpse of sunshine, this blog provides it. Lots of joy and color here - and a great Etsy shop full of great buys.

Thanks to all of you and so many others for all the effort and work you put into your blog just because you want to share your love of crafting!

Now, as required, here are 5 things about myself - no laughing, please!
  • About 30 years ago I had an opportunity to go to the Big Island of Hawaii and swim with wild dolphins. They really spoke to me - it was an amazing, spiritual, life-changing experience!
  • For the life of me, I could never memorize my multiplication tables but I can solve about any math problem.
  • I wanted to study art in college, but my Dad told me "No; art can be your hobby, you need to prepare for a career". While I was angry at the time, it was good advice. I love my career and it has allowed me to do my art.
  • I love all things French!
  • My Mom is my hero.
This post is already too long, so no card today. Have a great weekend - thanks for visiting.