Saturday, February 26, 2011


We just returned from the most wonderful vacation on our favorite Hawaiian island, Kauai. They call it the "Garden Island" for a reason! It is so beautiful that it is difficult to describe or to capture in photos. So, we normally just enjoy it! What a lovely time we had. There were some showers and a huge thunderstorm, but generally we had very nice weather. We stayed near Po'ipu Beach on the sunny south side of the island.

Almost every morning was started on the lanai with coffee, local banana bread and local papaya (my favorite!). What better way to start the day?

We went on a sunset cruise where we saw lots of whales and a huge pod of dolphins entertained us. Captain Glenn did a remarkable job with his 65-foot power cat boat. The beautiful Napali coast, which is only accessible by water, was glorious in the sunset. We also learned much about the island's history.

We also attended the Kauai girls rodeo, which we have seen before. These girls and their horses are most amazing! Such great skills and spirit. And where else can one watch a rodeo and look beyond to the ocean where the whales are spouting?

And, of course, there is always a hula show somewhere on the island. This one is right near our place and is done by some adorable high-school age girls. Quite a performance! Those gals can MOVE! Beautiful costumes, too.

Gary hiked in one of Kauai's many national botanical gardens, but the flowers at our place were as beautiful as any could be. We did some sight-seeing (but we have seen it all before!), lots of relaxing, walking, swimming, sunning, reading, watching amazing sunsets, a little shopping, we saw a local comedy show, drank some fancy drinks with umbrellas, and we ate lots of local fruit and yummy fish. It isn't so expensive if one eats like the natives.

Now we are washing the red dirt from our shoes, settling back into our respective routines, and saving for our next trip!

Many of you know that I do water aerobics. I will leave you with a picture of the pool where I did them while I watched the beach, boats, surfers, whales, and so many beautiful vistas. I bet I did more exercise there than I even realize! 

I promise to get back to sharing my cards as soon as I get the sand out of my scissors!