Sunday, January 9, 2011

Moxie Fab World - Winter White

Cath's Tuesday Trigger this week is this amazingly beautiful 3-tiered white-on-white wedding cake. Not only Moxie Fab, but scrump-delish, Don't ya think? Come and play along!

So, first I made a 100% white card and just wasn't happy with it. It needed a little something - like a dash of soft color. I sure hope this isn't breaking the rules!

I don't think I have ever used so many elements or products on one little card. I used my Cuttlebug for the embossed background and for cutting the little heart out of chipboard. The heart was painted with a Snow Cap Ranger Acrylic Dabber, covered with glue and doused in Martha Stewart Coarse Glitter. The little doily was misted with Perfect Pearls and water for some perfect glimmer. The lace, silk ribbon, vintage button and vintage flowers all came from my extensive stash (yes, honey...I really am de-stashing!). The pearl is from Hero Arts and the papers are from BasicGrey's "basics white" paper pad. It is all distressed with Ranger's Antique Linen Distress Ink.

I'll tell you what, this has waaay more of a "shabby-chic" look than I am comfortable with. Just not my style. But without the Distress ink, the white just didn't pop. And, love can be kind of Distressing, can't it? [Note: Not for me - it rocks!]

I am such a crazy girl that I am even going to show you the all-white card that I don't think quite makes it. What do you think? I plan to re-work it someday.

But, now I'm off to have a lovely White Russian........thanks for looking!