Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Friends - the best things ever!

Today is a bit of departure from my regular blogging. A little celebration of friendship! And do I ever have some great friends! I have great crafting pals, wonderful friends I made while I was working, neighborhood friends, friends from water aerobics, family friends, cyber friends, old college and high school friends - all amazing. And, of course, there is that very best friend ever - I'm married to him! I am so blessed, especially since I don't even consider myself a friendly person. Amazing! I am so thankful for all of you!

Spotlighted today is a most amazing gift made by one of my dearest friends ever. Can you believe it? It is even more glorious in person - it catches every little bit of light. I know this took hours of time and tons of talent to make and I love it to pieces. I have hung it where it is the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing at night. What a testimony to a unique and wonderful friendship. Thank you, Antoinette!