Monday, August 30, 2010

Me and the Miners - Well, not really

Just a quick story today. On Sundays I often go to the neighborhood middle school (we called them junior highs) to walk around the track. Yesterday the gate I usually enter was locked, so I walked down the street and entered through another gate. I walked my mile, singing along with the oldies on my iPod, did my stretching and was heading toward the gate to exit. Are you ready for this – the gate had been locked. With a huge chain and big padlock. Oh, yes! I was trapped in the schoolyard on a Sunday morning! Knowing there was no way I could scale the 6-foot high fence, I started to panic. How was I going to get to Michaels for craft supplies, what was I going to eat, how was I going to update my blog, how was I going to watch Mad Men?

Lucky for me my dear husband was just a call away. He arrived on a white stallion (okay, in a beige Toyota) and was able to release me. The details (and, no, they do not include bolt cutters and a hack saw) aren’t important, but he is my hero once again! Bless his heart.

The lesson? Stay home and eat pancakes on Sunday mornings.